Tree Services

Choco Tree Services

Choco VIP Tree Services provides high-quality tree services to residents of Newark, NJ. We are a family-owned and operated business that takes pride in our work.

Choco VIP Tree Services is a trusted and professional tree care company that provides top-notch tree services to residential and commercial properties in the New Jersey area. Our team of certified arborists is dedicated to providing safe and efficient tree care services that will enhance the beauty and health of your trees.

We offer a wide range of tree services to ensure that your trees remain healthy and beautiful all year round. Our services include tree trimming and pruning, tree removal, stump grinding, tree planting, and emergency tree services.

Tree trimming and pruning is an essential aspect of tree care, as it helps to maintain the tree’s health and appearance. Our skilled team of arborists will remove any dead or diseased branches that could pose a risk to your property or the surrounding area. We also provide a comprehensive tree health evaluation that will identify any issues that may be affecting your trees, such as pests and diseases.

Professional Tree Services

We also provide tree removal services for trees that pose a danger to your property or have already died. Our team will safely and efficiently remove the tree while ensuring that there is no damage to your property. We also offer stump grinding services to ensure that there is no unsightly stump left behind.

Tree Planting Services

(908) 498-9006

Tree Services Near Me

If you are interested in adding new trees to your property, we also offer tree-planting services. Our team of experts will recommend the best trees to plant based on the soil, climate, and other environmental factors to ensure that the tree thrives.

We also provide emergency tree services for situations such as storm damage or fallen trees that need to be removed immediately. Choco VIP Tree Services is the go-to tree care company in the area that provides top-quality tree services that are safe, efficient, and affordable. Our team of certified arborists is dedicated to ensuring that your trees remain healthy and beautiful for years to come. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.